Saturday 19 October 2013

The Girl in the Rain

Standing alone in the crowd with thousands of droplets of water that fall down into my face. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know where to go, I don’t know who I’m ?, why do I exist?, why is it happen into my life. Did I do something wrong? I can’t see anything? Help me! Then all went black.

Hey! Hey!


Where am I?

 In the hospital.
Who are you?

I’m Zac.. Zac Takishima. And what’s your name?

I’m Gabriella Cruz.

I call your family they will arrive soon.


Then there’s a silent moment inside the room. Then the door open.


Ella! How are you? Did someone hurt you? Tell me?

Shut up! Tita. You acted like my mother. Can you please get out!


No buts.



The boy was confused what’s happening between them but Ella look at him with the angry look.

What are you looking at?

I said get out boy!

Ok ok

Then he smiles at me. After how many days I confined in the hospital, I went home. Yeah home I feel the emptiness of this house but I rather called it HELL. My mom and dad are separated. I leave with my father but I can’t feel the love and care. I do everything just my father notice me but I failed. I joined frats and rebel against with my father. They called me BRAT, YES! I’m a brat.

I don’t know why my mother left me and have another family. I didn't know what’s wrong with us but one thing I’m sure she hates us maybe my mother didn't love my father because they are just arrange marriage.

One day, I question God why me? Why you didn't give me a happy life and family. God you’re so unfair!  LIFE IS SO UNFAIR..

After 1 year, I waited my mother to come back but she didn't come. 1 year, I dream a happy life with my family but it didn't happen anymore. What a life! I always attempt to commit suicide. And if I do that my mother will come and rescue me.

At the point I almost kill myself, I hear some whispers they’re trying to say STOP KILLING YOURSELF! YOU CAN BE HAPPY AGAIN. KILLING IS NOT THE SOLUTION. FACE YOUR PROBLEM AND SOLVE IT.

Then I realize, if I kill myself I will not see my mother again and also I will waist my life without solving my problem. I know there’s a reason for everything. And God has a reason for it. Maybe God gave me this problem to make a stronger whatever circumstances came into my life. please click this and play it while reading :) Thanks

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