Saturday 7 September 2013

FOOTNOTE TO YOUTH by Jose Garcia Villa

Dodong fell in love to Teang and he want to marry Teang as soon as possible.When he got home from work.The table was already set for supper, after eating Dodong confronted his father to tell about marrying Teang.His father was remained silence and that silence became awkward.The father of Dodong asked him if he is sure to marry Teang then Dodong said yes.His father has no choice because of the wish of his son.His father felt pity on him.

Dodong stood in the sweltering noon heat.He was still as a tree and his  thoughts were confused and also he was afraid.Teang giving birth in the house,when his mother called him he was ashamed to his mother of his youthful paternity.It made him feel guilty.Dodong walked ahead to their house and he saw his wife asleep and it look pale but when he heard a tiny voice.He felt happiness in him.

Blass was not Dodong's only child.Many more children came.When Blass was eighteen he came home one night very flastered and happy.Blass could not sleep that time and he talked to his father about Tona that he want to marry her but Dodong was against to his son because he was very young and the life of marriage would be hard.Dodong was helpless because he can see himself  to his son when he was young.He could not do anything.Dodong looked wistfully at his young son in the moonlight.He felt extremely sad and sorry for him.


I like this story because it says that marriage life is hard specially to the youth and also It gives us lessons that in our every decision it affects to our future or what other says think before you move.

The style of writing of the author is nice but he must also add more the point of view about  the parents of Dodong, how they felt after hearing that their son wants to marry Teang.The flow of the story is nice and the setting is fit to the characters and this story is very nice to the youth like me and gives as lesson specially in marriage life.

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